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Blue Heron Wellness offers a variety of movement-based yoga classes and educational workshops to inspire transformation and personal growth from the individual to the broader, community level. Our teachers are dedicated to providing instruction that leads students toward a deeper understanding of mind, body, and spirit. By cultivating a greater understanding of ourselves and our capacity to change, we can bring this awareness into our communities and the world as a whole. It is through each of us and our choices that the future emerges. Let us create this bright future together.

Interested in yoga instruction for your office or staff? Click here.

Unlimited Yoga All Year!

Join Blue Heron Wellness’s Yoga Membership Program. You will get unlimited yoga for 12 months for a low monthly fee of $115 ($10 less than our existing unlimited monthly passcard). Call 301-754-3730 for more details and to enroll.

Program Requirements

· You must sign on for 12 months – and at the end of that time, it automatically renews unless you tell us you want to stop.
· We must have your valid credit card information on file so that we can automatically charge the monthly fee against your charge account.
· You can be the only one who accesses your membership.
· As with other passcards, this is non-refundable.

Passcard Class Descriptions

Yoga I
Yoga I begins the exploration of your yogic journey through classic yoga poses, breath work, and focuses on increasing flexibility, strength, and concentration. Designed for beginners with experience in basic yoga poses. Includes standing, balancing, and seated poses. Our Yoga Fundamentals series is recommended for those new to yoga and before advancing to our passcard classes.

Yoga I/II
For continuing students who have completed Yoga I or who have prior yoga experience. This class refines basic poses and introduces more advanced postures. Students will deepen their awareness of the breath, and meditation techniques. Emphasis is placed on building strength and endurance for a deeper practice.

Yoga II
For students with a good understanding of the basic standing, seated and revolved postures wishing to deepen their practice. This class will explore more advanced variations of asanas as well as introduce more challenging inversions, arm-balances and pranayama.

Mixed Level Yoga
Our mixed level class is a well rounded class appropriate for Yoga I through Yoga II students. Refreshing and invigorating, this class enables you to experience the wisdom, strength and grace of your body while playing your own personal edge. You will be encouraged to work at your own pace as you explore flows of movement linked with breath, classical yoga postures and creative variations. Modifications for beginners and options for advanced practitioners are provided throughout the class.

This Anusara Yoga class will lead you in a blissful, deeply relaxing yoga sequence. This class is suitable for strong beginners and seasoned yogi’s who want to refine their practice through the Universal Principles of Alignment.

Total Body Conditioning
Come and challenge your body, mind and soul to discover your physical limitations and defeat them, while burning tons of calories. Catey Miller will introduce students to a total body training class that explores all styles of movement to conquer their inner strength and see physical results. Explore the power of a challenging, sports training approach to fitness, and realize that there is an inner athlete in all of us. Students will learn speed agility drills, interval cardio training, challenging balance exercises, squats, lunges, push-ups, plank walking, challenging ab/core exercises, teamwork and more. Enjoy physical results along with emotional and spiritual ones.

Gentle Yoga and Relaxation
Gentle and restorative postures combined with breath work and guided relaxation make this an ideal class for beginners and those desiring a more relaxing yoga experience. Suitable for those with health concerns or challenges. Poses are modified to enhance each student’s experience of increasing body awareness, flexibility and strength. This class is designed to help reduce stress and re-energize the body in a safe and supportive environment.

Vinyasa Flow
This class is for students who have completed Yoga I or who have prior yoga experience. The class builds deeper awareness, and emphasizes the connection between breath and movement. Flow playfully from one pose to the next expanding from your heart center. Students in the class will encounter inner peace while being challenged.

Mixed Level Vinyasa Flow
Enjoy the group dynamic of an all levels class.  An energetic flow filled with possibility.  Learn the techniques of how to move with the breath and link the poses with grace and skill. Increase stamina, strength and flexibility with the cutting edge alignment necessary to keep your practice safe and therapeutic.

Yoga & Abs
A yoga class emphasizing core awareness and tapping into the strength of the body’s core muscles.  This class will utilize breathing techniques such as “breath of fire” and “agni sara” to stoke the internal fire thus increasing your available energy. This class will draw upon the traditions of Kundalini Yoga and Vinyasa Flow to deepen body awareness, and abdominal exercises to build muscle and support healthy digestion. In connecting to the core you will not only find strength, but a sense of empowerment and increased confidence. Perfect for students interested in a challenging and invigorating morning practice!

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